Lisa Frankenstein, a horror comedy movie, has been making waves, not just for its quirky storyline but also for the unexpected musical talents of its star, Kathryn Newton. In a recent interview with ComingSoon, Newton delved into the process behind her rendition of the iconic REO Speedwagon song, “Can’t Fight This Feeling,” featured in the film.
1. How did Kathryn Newton prepare for her singing role in Lisa Frankenstein?
Kathryn Newton dedicated herself to rigorous practice sessions, honing her vocal skills even within the confines of her hotel room.
2. What was Kathryn Newton’s initial reaction to singing “Can’t Fight This Feeling”?
Newton confessed to feeling nervous initially but found support in the vibrant atmosphere on set, which fueled her performance.
3. What distinguishes Lisa Frankenstein from other horror comedy films?
Lisa Frankenstein stands out for its unique blend of horror, comedy, and unexpected musical elements, providing viewers with a captivating and unconventional cinematic experience.
4. How does Kathryn Newton’s performance in Lisa Frankenstein compare to her previous roles?
Newton’s portrayal in Lisa Frankenstein showcases her versatility as an actress, demonstrating her ability to seamlessly transition between genres and explore diverse characters.
5. What makes “Can’t Fight This Feeling” an iconic song choice for Lisa Frankenstein?
The inclusion of “Can’t Fight This Feeling” adds a nostalgic touch to Lisa Frankenstein, evoking a sense of familiarity while complementing the film’s themes of love, acceptance, and the unexpected.